• Edburga of Thanet

    Updated: 2022-12-12 05:00:00
    : The Ohio Anglican.blog Living the Orthodox Catholic Faith in the Anglican Tradition Monday , December 12, 2022 Edburga of Thanet Edburga of Minster-in-Thanet was the , apparently only , daughter of King Centwine of Wessex and his wife , Engyth . She was a disciple of St . Mildred and became Abbess of her Abbey at Minster-in-Thanet in AD 716. A woman of great ability and zealous in her pursuit of knowledge , she secured several Royal charters for her monastery . She was a friend and correspondent of St . Boniface and is to be identified with Heaburg , more commonly called Bugga , to whom several interesting letters of his are addressed , including the account of the Monk of Much Wenlock's vision of heaven . Unfortunately , hers to him are not preserved . His letters to Edburga were

  • Third Sunday in Advent (Gaudete)

    Updated: 2022-12-11 05:30:00
    : The Ohio Anglican.blog Living the Orthodox Catholic Faith in the Anglican Tradition Sunday , December 11, 2022 Third Sunday in Advent Gaudete The . Collect O LORD Jesus Christ , who at thy first coming didst send thy messenger to prepare thy way before thee Grant that the ministers and stewards of thy mysteries may likewise so prepare and make ready thy way , by turning the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of the just , that at thy second coming to judge the world we may be found an acceptable people in thy sight , who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit ever , one God , world without end . . Amen The Epistle 1 Corinthians iv . 1. LET a man so account of us , as of the ministers of Christ , and stewards of the mysteries of God . Moreover it is required in

  • Damasus I of Rome

    Updated: 2022-12-11 05:00:00
    : The Ohio Anglican.blog Living the Orthodox Catholic Faith in the Anglican Tradition Sunday , December 11, 2022 Damasus I of Rome He was born around 305, probably near the city of Egitania , Lusitania , in what is the present-day village of Idanha-a-Velha , Portugal , then part of the Western Roman Empire . His life coincided with the rise of Emperor Constantine I and the reunion and re-division of the Western and Eastern Roman Empires , which is associated with the legitimization of Christianity and its later adoption as the official religion of the Roman state in 380. Raised in a pious family his father was a priest in Rome , Italy and Damasus served for a time as deacon in his father‘s church , Saint Laurence . Priest . Assistant to Pope Liberius . Chosen 37th pope in a disputed

  • Adam Scotus

    Updated: 2022-12-10 05:00:00
    : The Ohio Anglican.blog Living the Orthodox Catholic Faith in the Anglican Tradition Saturday , December 10, 2022 Adam Scotus Adam of Dryburgh c . 1140 1212 was a late 12th and early 13th century Anglo-Scottish theologian , writer and Premonstratensian and Carthusian monk . He entered Dryburgh Abbey as a young man , rising to become abbot 1184-1188 before converting to Carthusianism and moving to Witham . He was also sometimes known by various other later names , including Adam the Carthusian , Adam Anglicus and Adam . Scotus He was born around 1140 in the Anglo-Scottish border area Northumberland Scottish Borders to parents whose names and identity are unknown . The details of his earliest education are not known either , but at some stage he may have studied under the great Hugh of St

  • Budoc of Dol

    Updated: 2022-12-09 05:00:00
    : The Ohio Anglican.blog Living the Orthodox Catholic Faith in the Anglican Tradition Friday , December 9, 2022 Budoc of Dol Born a prince , the son of a king of Brittany his mother was Azenor , princess of Brest , France . Legend says that his mother was set adrift in a cask , and that Budoc was born at sea with Saint Brigid of Ireland in attendance . Educated in a monastery near Waterford , Ireland . Abbot at Youghal , Ireland . Bishop of Dol , Brittany for 26 years . Several places in Devon and Cornwall in England are named after . him Saint Budoc was the Bishop of Dol in Brittany . The details of his life are shrouded in legend . He is reputed to have been grandson of the King of Brest . Budoc was supposed to have been born at sea under incredible circumstances . His mother , Princess

  • Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Updated: 2022-12-08 05:00:00
    : The Ohio Anglican.blog Living the Orthodox Catholic Faith in the Anglican Tradition Thursday , December 8, 2022 Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary The . Collect O MERCIFUL God , hear the supplication of thy servants : that we who are gathered together to honour the Conception of the Virgin Mother of God , may through her intercession be delivered by thee from the perils which beset us . Through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord , who livest and reignest with thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost , ever one God , world without end . . Amen The Epistle Proverbs viii . 22. THE Lord possessed me in the beginning of his way , before his works of old . I was set up from everlasting , from the beginning , or ever the earth was . When there were no depths , I was brought forth when there were no

  • Servus

    Updated: 2022-12-07 05:00:00
    : The Ohio Anglican.blog Living the Orthodox Catholic Faith in the Anglican Tradition Wednesday , December 7, 2022 Servus d . 7 December 484 African martyr . A nobleman , he was tortured and then executed for being an orthodox Christian by the Arian Vandals who were then masters of Africa . Additional details of his life are not extant . Servus 7 December Martyr The . Collect ALMIGHTY and everlasting God , who didst strengthen thy blessed martyr Servus with the virtue of constancy in faith and truth : Grant us in like manner for love of thee to despise the prosperity of this world , and to fear none of its adversities through Jesus Christ our Lord . . Amen The Epistle 2 Esdras 2:42-48. I ESDRAS saw upon the mount Sion a great people , whom I could not number , and they all praised the Lord

  • Nicholas of Myra

    Updated: 2022-12-06 05:00:00
    : The Ohio Anglican.blog Living the Orthodox Catholic Faith in the Anglican Tradition Tuesday , December 6, 2022 Nicholas of Myra was born in Asia Minor during the third century in the Greek colony of Patara in Lycia in the Roman province of Asia- today Antalya , Turkey at a time when the region was Hellenistic in its culture and outlook . Nicholas became bishop of the city of Myra . He was very religious from an early age and devoted his life entirely to Christianity . According to legend , Nicholas was said to have rigorously observed the canonical fasts of Wednesdays and Fridays , even when an infant , by abstaining on those days from his mother's breasts . Nicholas is said to have been born to relatively affluent Christian parents in Patara , Lycia , where he also received his early .

  • Clement of Alexandria

    Updated: 2022-12-05 05:00:00
    : The Ohio Anglican.blog Living the Orthodox Catholic Faith in the Anglican Tradition Monday , December 5, 2022 Clement of Alexandria A native of Athens , was converted to Christianity by Pantaenus , founder of the Catechetical School at Alexandria then the intellectual capital of the Mediterranean world and succeeded his teacher as head of the School about 180. For over 20 years he labored effectively as an apologist for the faith and catechist of the faithful . He regarded the science and philosophy of the Greeks as being , like the Torah of the Hebrews , a preparation for the Gospel , and the curriculum of his School undertook to give his students both a knowledge the Gospel of Christ and a sound liberal education . His speculative theology , his scholarly defense of the faith and his

  • John of Damascus

    Updated: 2022-12-04 05:00:00
    : The Ohio Anglican.blog Living the Orthodox Catholic Faith in the Anglican Tradition Sunday , December 4, 2022 John of Damascus Arabic : يحيى ابن منصور Yaḥyā ibn Manṣūr Greek : Ιωάννης Δαμασκήνος Ioannês Damaskinos Latin : Iohannes Damascenus or Johannes Damascenus also known as John Damascene , Χρυσορρόας Chrysorrhoas , streaming with gold i.e . the golden speaker c . 676 December 5, 749 was a Syrian monk and priest . He was born and raised in Damascus , and died in all probability at his monastery Mar Saba , southeast of . Jerusalem He was a polymath whose fields of interest and contribution included Law , Theology , Philosophy and Music . He was the Chief Administrator to the ruler of Damascus , wrote works expounding the Christian faith , and composed hymns which are still in everyday

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