Edburga of Thanet
Updated: 2022-12-12 05:00:00
: The Ohio Anglican.blog Living the Orthodox Catholic Faith in the Anglican Tradition Monday , December 12, 2022 Edburga of Thanet Edburga of Minster-in-Thanet was the , apparently only , daughter of King Centwine of Wessex and his wife , Engyth . She was a disciple of St . Mildred and became Abbess of her Abbey at Minster-in-Thanet in AD 716. A woman of great ability and zealous in her pursuit of knowledge , she secured several Royal charters for her monastery . She was a friend and correspondent of St . Boniface and is to be identified with Heaburg , more commonly called Bugga , to whom several interesting letters of his are addressed , including the account of the Monk of Much Wenlock's vision of heaven . Unfortunately , hers to him are not preserved . His letters to Edburga were